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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

On 2019-08-17 2:59 pm, Punk wrote:
> > None of these are real monarchies, where the monarch exercises real power.

> Real monarchs don't have any real power.

The King of the emirate of Dubai, the land of which Dubai is the 
capital, quite obviously exercises real power, Dubai is largely his 
personal property, and Dubai is, for its citizens, and for the better 
sort of people among its non citizen majority, the most free country in 
the world (for other non citizens, not so free)

The King of Thailand exercises a lot of power, though less than the King 
of Dubai.  He has to accommodate the military, but the military have to 
accommodate him.  You are free to say bad things about the military, but 
the one substantial restriction on freedom in Thailand is that you are 
not free to say bad things about the King.

> Never ever did. There's only one form of government : oligarchy. An organized gang of criminals and 'merchants'

That is Commie class theory, that capitalism is rule by the capitalist 

Merchants never rule.  We are always ruled by priests or warriors, and 
currently ruled by priests.

Reactionary class theory: 

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