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PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 13:32:04 +0800
jamesd at echeque.com wrote:

> On 2019-08-17 9:22 am, Punk wrote:
> > ps: more than a few european countries are monarchies. And yet you claim the US is better. Tsk tsk. (sweden, the united cesspool, I mean UK, and spain, off the top of my head).
> None of these are real monarchies, where the monarch exercises real power.

	Yeah that's another thing. Real monarchs don't have any real power. Never ever did. There's only one form of government : oligarchy. An organized gang of criminals and 'merchants' attacking disorganized people. Again this is a fundamental fact of both political theory and political reality. 

> And you still have not told me what countries you have been to, from 
> which I conclude that you have not been to any of them.

	And what difference would that make? You think people who visit disneyland become experts on americunt history? And  yanks who visit thailand and don't speak the language actually know anything about thailand? LMAO.

> And you seem to think that Molinari is some kind of commie.  He is not.

	When and where did I suggest that? Your mind reading skills are even worse than your grasp of political philosophy. I know that molinari was a liberal, an anarchist and had conservative (and thus fucked up) views on war. I know that because I actuall READ him.

	So again, what part you don't get when molinari makes it painfully clear that commies and feudalists like you, are two sides of the same coin? And that liberalism exists in oppostion to both? Quote AGAIN : 


Suppose nevertheless that the partisans of an artificial organization, either the monopolists or the communists, are right; that society is not naturally organized, and that the task of making and unmaking the laws that regulate society continuously devolves upon men, look in what a lamentable situation the world would find itself. The moral authority of governors rests, in reality, on the self-interest of the governed. The latter having a natural tendency to resist anything harmful to their self-interest, unacknowledged authority would continually require the help of physical force.

The monopolist and the communists, furthermore, completely understand this necessity.

If anyone, says M. de Maistre, attempts to detract from the authority of Godâ??s chosen ones, let him be turned over to the secular power, let the hangman perform his office.

If anyone does not recognize the authority of those chosen by the people, say the theoreticians of the school of Rousseau, if he resists any decision whatsoever of the majority, let him be punished as an enemy of the sovereign people, let the guillotine perform justice.

These two schools, which both take artificial organization as their point of departure, necessarily lead to the same conclusion: TERROR.

You seem to have reading comprehension issues jim. Go find a 'private' tutor and pay him to teach how to read. And if you still have trouble understanding ingrish, here's the french original  hi hi hi

"Mais admettez que les partisans d'une organisation factice, monopoleurs ou communistes, aient raison; que la société ne soit point naturellement organisée, et qu'aux hommes incombe incessamment la tâche de faire et de défaire les lois qui la régissent, voyez dans quelle lamentable situation se trouvera le monde. L'autorité morale des gouvernants ne s'appuyant, en réalité, que sur l'intérêt des gouvernés, et ceux-ci ayant une naturelle tendance à résister à tout ce qui blesse leur intérêt, il faudra que la force matérielle prête incessamment secours à l'autorité méconnue.

Monopoleurs et communistes ont, du reste, parfaitement compris cette nécessité.

Si quelqu'un, dit M. de Maistre, essaye de se soustraire à l'autorité des élus de Dieu, qu'il soit livré au bras séculier, que le bourreau fasse son office.

Si quelqu'un méconnaît l'autorité des élus du peuple, disent les théoriciens de l'école de Rousseau, s'il résiste à une décision quelconque de la majorité, qu'il soit puni comme criminel envers le peuple souverain, que l'échafaud en fasse justice.

Ces deux écoles, qui prennent pour point de départ l'organisation factice, aboutissent donc nécessairement au même terme, à la TERREUR."