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[Dead body ethics edition] Greenwald, Scahill step down from The Intercept

show me an instance of someone posing with a corpse thats a journalist &
have you done it?

i dont know what kind of journalist you are but it sounds like you are in
america as you site specific news outlets - make assumptions that i am also
in america - i dont watch that shit - i am an activist journalist

being an activist journalist makes part of my job to be critical of
journalism and therefor maybe i am in a different position than you - if
you are okay posing with corpses then i will call you out as well but as
your identity is hidden here.... soooooo... that wouldnt be so easy would

it is your idea that there is nothing unethical but that doesnt mean that
there is nothing unethical about it and that standards are not breeched by
jeremy doing it and your post has not proven otherwise in any way

you are presenting as if i said there is a journalist bible and it was
written in there and also you are presenting as if he is just hanging out
and woops a dead body came flying by and the camera was just like on and
pointed at him .... and the slab they just like landed in the slab like
that ... it is perfectly disgusting

besides if its so nothing why are bothering to post about it

On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 10:49 PM, Razer <[email protected]> wrote:

> On 04/06/2015 09:59 AM, Cari Machet wrote:
> > no journalist gets filmed with dead bodies it is unethical it never
> > happens
> >
> > perhaps if you were a journalist in the field you would understand
> I AM, for what it's worth, a journalist of sorts, and the FIRST RULE of
> Journalism ethics is:
> The journalist is NEVER supposed to be (and perhaps harder, 'become, in
> the process of reporting...') part of the story they're covering.
> There's really nothing unethical about being with corpses in news
> footage and I don't have the foggiest where you heard that, but it's
> worth noting ABCCBSNBCCNN won't run images of their people with corpses
> on the air, which is most likely why you claim 'it never happens'
> Those aforementioned outlets aren't really journalistic media anyway.
> They're propaganda outlets.

Cari Machet
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