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[cryptography] The Compromised Internet

> So beyond mathematically-enthroned encryption what lies awaiting
> disclosure.

 * data-loggers within dental work, synced via
   multiband x-rays (+ secret other, say tetrahertz),
   this much easier facilitated via digital equipment

   note: could be synced to infrastructure tagging
   or mapping networks via RFID-like send/receive
   and also monitor biological events of the person

 * the often interesting TV series "It Takes a Thief"
   with Robert Wagner had one episode of a fashion
   designer who (if remembering correctly) stitched a
   pattern into a new dress that was then photographed
   or it may have had something to do with a microdot,
   James Earl Jones was the designer in that episode

 * the possibility of food for data transmission related
   to eating certain Asian food and having a gland open
   on the roof of my mouth- seemingly a specific chemical
   and what could happen if that were related to triggering
   of various related socio-behavioral programming, etc.

 * the future possibility, given data transfer by touch, of
   data capsules or pills that are digested and relay code
   that is informational into accompanying cyborg implant,
   else also behavioral routines triggered by food or drugs,
   that of an informational domain (which in a context of
   medicine and the body could be very wide ranging).
   heck, what about non-lethal overtones of morse code
   onto pacemaker or other devices, as form of signaling

 * microphoned dinner tables to relay info to flower vase,
   also tapping out code onto surface for solitar diners

 * clothing design, again, if embedded systems for data
   relay, also with jewelry. seemingly it could be anything.
   different kinds of materials or stitching, fashion styles
   as communication systems, delineating networks and
   establishing standards, references, and protocols,
   hidden technology or encrypted 'data', non-electronic
   or to be mediated electronically- say thread that glows
   in black light only, one-time pad, person walks past
   special camera-trap to relay data w/out even knowing

 * genetics themselves, various data sets as langauge
   including categorization as a means of encrypting
   perspectives, setting boundaries within contingent
   modeling of pseudo-truth, thus thresholds/boundaries
   for what can be perceived from the inside and outside;
   as this relates to disease, health systems, insurance,
   death panels, hidden eugenics of targeted populations

 * infrastructure itself as pre-internet sensor network with
   capacity for secret communications, especially with the
   mystery networked sensor boxes logging mystery data.
   could trace chemicals in products to pattern match and
   refine facial recognition, retail pollution of industrial scent
   as perfumes (another potential communication system),
   deodorants, shampoos combined mark, assist tracking

 * vehicles themselves if carrying paired black-box tech
   with shared non-identifiable encryption formats, such
   that a drive-thru or drive-by could involve data exchange,
   as this could likewise potentially relate to modification
   of street lights, electronic gates, toll booths, traffic lights
   and potentially any form of electronic signage (as this
   also relates to NFC and RFID for tracking, signaling).
   thus vehicles as data loggers and data carriers which
   may or may not involve drivers knowledge. if so, covert
   data exchange could seemingly exist outside of known
   encryption formats as a strengthening of security by the
   obscurity (akin to inventing secret, private language)
   whereas known algorithms could indicate, compromise
   systems via existing standards ("this is secret data!")

 * issue of black market and courier services, in some
   sense transfer of weapons and illegal drugs assumes
   an extreme form of privacy, security, and secrecy such
   that a small amount of opium could be couriered to a
   US resident and paid for by "anonymous" money, and
   in some sense similar to being ~encrypted, assuming
   or betting against disclosure of surveilling of packaging
   by companies, or of data inside encrypted archives
   thus like betting on the odds of the long-game

* then there is peer-to-peer signaling in itself, public and-
  or private, one to one or one to many or relay or delayed
  via written, oral, sound-based, food, fashion, or other
  communication -- of the realm of symbolic language
  where something stands-in for something-else or
  'shared meaning' can be effectively communicated
  yet exist beyond the boundary of others perception;
  a shared framework of "truth" (whether true or not) is
  required as a protocol to match up shared dimensions;
  overt is hand gestures, hand signals, body movements,
  postures, poses, facial expressions, as language

* i tend to think there is potential for any language-based
  interaction to involve signaling that is observed differently
  by others, based on their relation to the event or reading
  of it- for instance, juggling. it is a pattern-based activity
  that has known and identifiable sequences that can be
  a way of communicating (by those so skilled) or could
  involve use of color or number or other dynamics to
  signal or secretly message another who operates or
  understands the same 'cipher system'. LED equipment
  that can be programmed, or even IR or UV that may not
  appear activated yet could be photographed or video'd
  in those frequencies could then reveal a data stream,
  or potentially involve persistence of vision or even a
  data-burst relayed or captured by camera or cellphone

* anything, like RC planes or models driving down a street
  and triggering a data exchange, with vehicle house router
  house monitoring system, infrastructure, as a potential;

* maybe reconsider Grandma's framed needlepoint sometime
  or the role of collectibles or the anthro- and archaeological
  involved in antiques as potential forms of secret data exchange,
  in that that period furniture or rare object may signify something
  to someone and trigger a meaningful relational exchange that
  could, in certain instance, function and establish a data network
  and allow hidden communication and conscious to exist, persist
  and in this way- aesthetic probably trumps all things electronic
  in terms of the bandwidth involved in pure sensory experience,
  thought, knowledge, shared consciousness, and secret views
  that to the outsider may exist as encrypted, beyond awareness
  and understanding or even value, even while it could be primary
  (basis for shared awareness, decision making, action for others)
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