Re: Brush for Liquid Emulsion

From: Ryuji Suzuki ^lt;[email protected]>
Date: 02/24/05-12:13:18 AM Z
Message-id: <>

From: Jack Brubaker <>
Subject: Re: Brush for Liquid Emulsion
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 18:35:21 -0500

> I have used metal ferrule brushes with no problem, in fact I know
> one metalsmith who uses pot. bich. in a weak sol. as a rust
> preventative. It causes a "chromate conversion" on the surface of
> the steel that makes it non-rusting.

I suppose you lost track of the issue, but this came up in the context
of silver gelatin, and there is nothing like dichromate in silver
gelatin emulsion. I personally don't find much problem with high
quality stainless steel ferrule brushes I tried, chemical
contamination is a real source of headache in silver gelatin process
because anything that affects the silver halide crystals may have huge
potential consequence to the image during or after development.

Ryuji Suzuki
"Well, believing is all right, just don't let the wrong people know
what it's all about." (Bob Dylan, Need a Woman, 1982)
Received on Thu Feb 24 00:13:29 2005

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