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AlbertaIX - no longer a Cybera project?
- Subject: AlbertaIX - no longer a Cybera project?
- From: randy at psg.com (Randy Bush)
- Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 08:07:43 +0900
- In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
- References: <CANP5tB1khr7=LOLM=tho0sZzUm0F21_Y5+Cs8mEMd4XMc2burA@mail.gmail.com> <[email protected]>
< irrelevant spectator commentary >
i do not know squat about the local issues in alberta. but we all seem
to spend a lot of time and energy going sideways, sometimes backward,
instead of forward. what is under these recent, seemingly unproductive,
canadian exchange spats? why is vancouver a suburb of seattle? is it
some sort of physics with telco horizontal vs trans-border pricing, or
regulatory restrictions, or is it the poutine? i always thought canada
was a somethat more civilized culture, well, except for poutine.
it all looks strange from here. but then don't ask me why tokyo has the
number of exchanges it does.