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comcast ipv6 PTR
On Oct 15, 2013, at 7:26 AM, John R. Levine <johnl at iecc.com> wrote:
>> Actually you just need to *let* the hosts update their own ptr
>> records using UPDATE.
I don't think that any host out there should be updating the PTR record associated with the privacy address it's using for outgoing connections. if the provider the prefix is delgated to respond with a genric RR well fine. but I doubt very much that there would be any circumstances where you'd want hosts doing PTR updates for addresses they're only using because their slaac address is a form of information leakage.
> Um, Mark, forward records too.
> And I have to say the idea of delegating rDNS for 50 million consumers to 50 million consumer something or others is simultaneously pretty amusing and pretty horrifying.
> My cable company assigns me a different prefix every time the modem reboots, about once a month, and I think that's pretty typical.
> R's,
> John
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