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Question on routing of Tata AS6453 with their other network AS4755

On Nov 18, 2013, at 3:01 AM, Anurag Bhatia <me at anuragbhatia.com> wrote:

> Heu Michael
> But this time AS4755 wasn't their customer. It's their own network in
> India!
> I think probably it will be hard for us and in general for technical
> community to comment on business side of it but I am just curious on
> technical side on what it is like that? Is it missing iBGP sessions or just
> intentional filtering of a group of prefixes via a peer group or based on
> some community tag?

It's hard to tell what the right answer is without the prefix and diagnosing the problem from multiple locations.  Collecting data from various looking glasses in multiple cities and regions is always helpful to triangulate what is going on.

- Jared