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Leap Second
This might sound like an easy question, but how do you verify if a Red Hat
box took a leap second?
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 3:25 AM, David Malone <David.Malone at nuim.ie> wrote:
> I had a quick look at the data, and only 5 of the servers that I
> was monitoring advertised a leap on June 30th - three in the US,
> one in Argentina and one in New Zealand. If Todd or Michael want,
> we can compare notes and see if they are peering with one of the
> servers that I spotted.
> David.
- Follow-Ups:
- Leap Second
- From: qlixed at gmail.com (QliX=D! [aka EHB])
- Leap Second
- From: David.Malone at nuim.ie (David Malone)