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[ih] 'Internet' vs 'internet'

Hi, Noel,

Agreed. Note some other issues I?ve seen:

"The Internet Protocol? (not Internet protocol or internet protocol), but ?the Internet?s protocols?

?IPsec?, not ?IPSec?, ?IPSEC?, or ?ipsec?

Agreed on the adjective issue as well - including titles (Internet evangelist, e.g.)


> On Oct 1, 2018, at 7:25 AM, Noel Chiappa <jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu> wrote:
>> From: Joe Touch <touch at strayalpha.com>
>> The AP and New York Times need educating on this issue too.
> I know some people at the NYW, let me ask them how to proceed.
>> At least one key issue, IMO, is that both variants have distinct meaning.
> This is a very significant point, one I hadn't clearly recognized. Let's see
> if it helps.
> BTW, reading up on this topic, apparently some places capitalize the thing,
> but not its use in adjectival form. I don't believe this is correct. One
> doesn't say 'white house hallway', it would (properly) be 'White House
> hallway'. And 'Internet hosts' has a different meaning (again) from 'internet
> hosts'.
> 	Noel