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[ih] Early Internet history
On 7/6/18 11:48 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:
> Miles Fidelman wrote:
>> ...
>> Do I recall correctly that "uunet" was the term used to denote the
>> network of machines that could be reached by bang path addressing?
> no.
> usenet really was just the newsgroups.
> the uucp mapping project defined the set of bang-path-addressible nodes.
> neither usenet nor the uucp network could have existed without the other.
Bringing this full circle...
Jack asked if there were any networks, before the Internet, that moved
bits around, across systems owned by multiple people.
I suggested BITNET & the UUCP network.
Somebody said - "that's called USENET."
The question was intended to clarify that USENET and the underlying UUCP
network were (are) separate beasts.
The ensuing discussion has made that abundantly clear - and dredged up
some additional interesting history.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra