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[ih] .UK vs .GB

I guess that is right. I stand corrected. No one else has had any input into SMTP since 822.  Oops.

> On Apr 15, 2018, at 10:58, Craig Partridge <craig at tereschau.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 9:01 AM, John Day <jeanjour at comcast.net <mailto:jeanjour at comcast.net>> wrote:
> Yes, it was a committee as was SMTP.  But before you get to self-satisfied with how smart we all were and they weren?t.  It should be pointed out that much of the design of both X.400 and X.500 was driven by the former DARPA participants in the National Software Works project from SRI. I had many an argument with them over various aspects of it.
> A historical nit (but isn't that what this list is about? :-)).  SMTP, as best I could determine when I did research on the history of email was *not* a committee product but rather something Jon Postel wrote in response to criticism (as best I could determine, from Peter Kirstein) of MTP.
> Whereas RFC 733/822 message and address formats were committee products (and given we were discussion addresses, seems to better fit John's comment).
> Craig 

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