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[ih] .UK vs .GB

On 14/04/2018 17:34, Patrik F?ltstr?m wrote:
> Although I think there are some questions there, like if Wales is a separate "country" like Scotland. I thought Wales and England was sort of one entity.

Try saying that in a pub in Wales and see what happens to you :-).

Wales, like Scotland, has its own Parliament, although the Scottish Parliament
has more powers. Mostly, English law applies in Wales, but the Scottish
legal system is different. However, some Welsh people still resent the events
of 1282-1301 when the English king imposed his rule on Wales, only 700 years ago.

In the Commonwealth Games (taking place now in Australia), England, Wales,
Scotland and Northern Island compete as separate countries: visit
https://thecgf.com/countries to see the flags. In the Olympic games,
the UK competes as one country (coded GBR).

The Northern Irish border (between .uk and .ie) is the biggest unsolved
issue in Brexit. Another reason why .uk vs .gb is a political question
even today.

Postel was a wise man. If he'd insisted on .gb, I think there would have
been serious trouble at some point.


> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNu8XDBSn10>
>    paf
> On 13 Apr 2018, at 19:05, Alexander Goldman wrote:
>> The United Kingdom consists of the island of Great Britain + Northern Ireland.  Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, and Wales. The Union Jack flag (of the United Kingdom) consists of three crosses: St. George for England, St. Andrew for Scotland, and St. Patrick for Ireland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.
>> On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 9:11 PM, John Levine <johnl at iecc.com> wrote:
>>> In article <28099080-1168-ce24-1d19-b97baa9c07a8 at channelisles.net> you
>>> write:
>>>> Well SOMETHING's still there
>>>> nigel at skylark:~$ dig dra.hmg.gb any
>>>> dra.hmg.gb.            21599   IN      NS      ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk.
>>>> dra.hmg.gb.            21599   IN      NS      relay.mod.uk.
>>>> dra.hmg.gb.            21599   IN      NS      sun.mhs-relay.ac.uk.
>>> Hey, how about that:
>>> dig @ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk. dra.hmg.gb axfr
>>> ; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> @ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk. dra.hmg.gb axfr
>>> ; (1 server found)
>>> ;; global options: +cmd
>>> dra.hmg.gb.             360000  IN      SOA     ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk.
>>> hostmaster.cs.ucl.ac.uk. 200709271 14400 1800 3600000 360000
>>> dra.hmg.gb.             360000  IN      NS      ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk.
>>> dra.hmg.gb.             360000  IN      NS      relay.mod.uk.
>>> dra.hmg.gb.             360000  IN      NS      sun.mhs-relay.ac.uk.
>>> hermes-mail.dra.hmg.gb. 360000  IN      MX      10 relay.dstl.gov.uk.
>>> dfhnet.dra.hmg.gb.      360000  IN      MX      10 relay.dstl.gov.uk.
>>> dfhnet.dra.hmg.gb.      360000  IN      A
>>> delos.dra.hmg.gb.       360000  IN      A
>>> hermes.dra.hmg.gb.      360000  IN      MX      10 relay.dstl.gov.uk.
>>> hermes.dra.hmg.gb.      360000  IN      A
>>> dra.hmg.gb.             360000  IN      SOA     ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk.
>>> hostmaster.cs.ucl.ac.uk.
>>> I wonder what else is lurking nearby.
>>> R's,
>>> John
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