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[ih] Ingrid Burrington on North Virginia

I?ll leave the journalism discussion to the network folks. But I thought it was worth drawing attention to Ingrid?s entire series for The Atlantic, of which this article is only one part. 

In particular I?d recommend her piece on Point Arena, submarine cable tapping and the digital divide:


As well as her requisite ?Utah? piece, which has some new (to me) details on David Evans and the U of U, which will be particularly relevant to this list:


The entire series is here:


Regards to all,

> On Jan 11, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Leo Vegoda <leo at vegoda.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 12:55:09PM -0500, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> [...]
>> Look, it doesn?t really matter. Journalists are nearly always spreading some misinformation, 
> Sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't. They are just people
> and exist on a continuum that runs from the superb to the execrable.
> As long as we are able to apply critical reading faculties we should
> all be fine.  
> Regards,
> Leo
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