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[ih] wikipedia

On 6/7/2013 11:06 AM, Bill Nowicki wrote:
> It looks to me like the
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bang_path#Bang_path section of the UUCP
> article uses both terms somewhat interchangeably. Not surprising,
> since this was an example of the
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retronym effect quite quickly as I
> recall. We would generally talk about "mail" to mean the computer
> variety, and "snail mail" to refer to the older post office version
> sending physical paper. It is taking a bit longer perhaps in the
> general population.

I later found a hypertext mention of "email" but that is the only one I saw.

> I do not recall the claim about Ethernet that you mention.

Some where in my collection here I have a story about a case where email 
could not be sent farther than some distance.  The Ethernet thing 
actually makes some sense to me sense a PP circuit is almost certain to 
exceed the 500 meter distance limit.  (Or what ever it is if I have 
remembered wrong.)

  But in
> general I was so embarrassed about how bad the Wikipedia articles
> were about computer networking that I did became an editor and tried
> to fix some over the years.  Feel free to help, since we are all
> volunteers. There is a learning curve, like any new technology and
> community (since it is both). Many people get discouraged since
> unless you follow the conventions changes tend to be reverted. I
> might be able to help by using the right citation format and neutral
> language etc. if provided sources. Generally Wikipedia suffers from
> quite a recentism bias: to most editors anything from before 2008 is
> ancient history! That UUCP article cold use help too, sigh.

I have thought about trying to edit some of that stuff--but I don't know 
if I am up to it and I'm not always sure I am better informed.

But I do have to say that I read Wiki articles with the same trepidation 
that I do any source anymore--the Sokal Hoax and the global warming 
debacle cured me for all time of taking any one source's word for 
anything.  Richard Feynman excepted.

The recentism thing is just sad.
Requiescas in pace o email           Two identifying characteristics
                                         of System Administrators:
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio      Infallibility, and the ability to
                                         learn from their mistakes.
                                           (Adapted from Stephen Pinker)