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[ih] Interview?

My name is Bridget, and I am an eighth grade student in Denver. This year I
am doing a project for the competition National History Day (http://nhd.org/).
This is a national competition, where students pick a topic and then study
it in depth for the year. Ultimately, the year culminates when students
present their findings by creating a display board, play, website, paper or
documentary. I have decided this year to do a documentary on the creation
of the ARPAnet. Because I am making a documentary, it is influential to
have interviews. I understand that there are many people here who would be
primary sources on this topic. Would any of you be open to holding an
interview? If yes, feel free to email me back at bghd12 at gmail.com.  Thanks!


*Everything is history...*
*or is it?*

Work: bghd12 at gmail.com
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