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[ih] theory and practice of RFCs?

On 2012-12-15 9:57 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>     > From: Miles Fidelman <mfidelman at meetinghouse.net>
>     > "If one wanted to pose an idea for a new protocol, and solicit
>     > feedback, how would you do it today?"
>     > This is motivated by wanting to distribute a white paper about some of
>     > my current work, for review and comment.
> Post it as a web object, and sent a message pointing to it to some appropriate
> mailing list(s), would be my recommendation.

+1. the chances i've introduced to the DNS in recent years were all
private, since the IETF is no longer amenable to innovation in that
space. (that is, the people who attend the meetings or read the mailing
list are pretty much opposed to pretty much everything; see also "tcpm"
mailing list.)

some examples:


there's no way any of that stuff, no matter how much it completely
reformats the world's digital economy, will ever be able to make it
through today's "standards process".

