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[ih] Fwd: [IP] John Pickens killed in East Bay bicycle crash - San Jose Mercury News

Very shocking.

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>Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2012 16:43:51 -0500
>X-Google-Sender-Auth: 513oTxeB0VAluNxMGprp2Jbcb1s
>Subject: [IP] John Pickens killed in East Bay bicycle crash - San Jose
>  Mercury News
>From: Dave Farber <dave at farber.net>
>To: "ip" <ip at listbox.com>
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>John did his thesis under me while he was at UC Santa Barbara and I 
>was at UC Irvine (got enough hours to qualify for my instrument 
>rating). I kept in touch with John during his career and will miss 
>him greatly. djf
>"John Pickens moved to the Bay Area as a teen in about 1960 and then 
>headed south for college at UC Santa Barbara. He and Melinda married 
>in 1970, moved to Newark in 1976 and their family has since grown to 
>include three children and four grandchildren.
>In his ongoing, roughly 45-year career in computer technology, which 
>included work on the internet precursor ARPANET, Pickens was most 
>recently a "distinguished engineer" for Cisco Systems, according to 
>his LinkedIn profile. A colleague at Cisco, David Yates, wrote on 
>the profile: "He is intelligent, precise, hardworking and a great to 
>work on a team with."
>Pickens' wife said her husband's organs and tissues have been 
>donated to help others. The family has not yet set the date for a 
>memorial service."
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