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[ih] AT&T, carterfone, the 103, and why didnt BBSs start earlier?

Hello all,

This is my first posting to this list. It's a question about the Bell
103 modem in 1962 and Carterfone

If AT&T sold modems commercially since 1962 (the 103 modem), why was
the carterfone decision so important? I understand that the
introduction of the Hayes modem prompted Christensen to write XMODEM
and set the scene for the BBSs - but does anybody recall why these
things could not have happened with the Bell 103 from1962 on? Was the
103 just intended for subscribers of expensive leased lines such as
corporations or universities?

Best wishes to you all,


My Next Book... http://johnnyryan.wordpress.com/books/net-history-2010/