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[tor-talk] PaperDump: Mirai, Tor, Darknet, TLA, I2P Censorship, PETs in Sidechains, and more

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 01:32:19AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> On 8/28/19, Florentin Rochet <florentin.rochet at uclouvain.be> LAZILY
> > This list is mixing good papers with several dubious ones.
> Failed to denote which, and why in detail such
> labels may or may not apply to them.
> > I find important to mention that it would be better looking here instead
> > for non-expert readers: https://www.freehaven.net/anonbib/ to find
> > quality peer-reviewed works, and keep the ones that intersect both lists
> > for now.
> Such intersection (logical AND) will of course yield only those
> papers approved and posted there by TPO / principals... any entity
> doing such self curation is prone to variety of selection biases.
> And peer review is somewhat often an ivory tower circle jerk
> among an exclusive peer group... equally often any supposed
> reviewers are not denoted anywhere. Novel papers are surely
> free as any to come from anywhere with zero association,
> consultation, editorial priviledge, consideration, etc given.

> If you really want to know what is good vs marginal vs rubbish,
> read and validate them yourselves, consult independants,
> study the knowledge areas, actually discuss them in detail
> in whatever communities you wish, including as desired in
> those that are their subject, try writing your own papers, etc.
