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US govt agent stephen williams - was Re: Bitmessage -

On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 12:32:13 -0700
"Stephen D. Williams" <sdw at lig.net> wrote:

> If you two didn't think so shallowly and stupidly, you would see that features like "methods to determine leakers, and similar bad 
> actors" are useful for groups fearful of illegal or otherwise improper overstep by groups like the FBI, 

	wow - the worthless piece of government shit williams has outdone himself. Sure, your backdoors are actually to protect ppl from 'improper overstep' - you would be hilarious if you weren't cosmically retarded. 

> The FBI -- they are  pretty much all good people trying to do the right thing in all circumstances.  

	haha - do I need to add anything else to williams sick vomits? 

> If you actually did anything useful in life, had a 
> real job, a real company, or a real family, or if you cared about others at all, there are plenty of circumstances where you would 
> want the FBI around to help.  

	priceless - I guess agent williams forgot to take his memory meds so he doesn't even know where he's posting his propaganda? What a sad picture this senile govt agent is. 

>  what 
> happens when unfettered encrypted messaging meets impressionable people 


> We do have a solution that mostly works: Centralized unencrypted messaging hubs like Facebook, Twitter, et al that can be monitored, 

	yes, that's what agents like you do. 'Monitor' the NSA hub aka the internet.

> Too bad this channel is so polluted, by you, that we couldn't work on 
> an alternate solution.  We used to solve problems here.

	LMAO! You, worthless piece of shit, are the problem. You're a chemically pure, textbook example of the americunt fascist. The source of all our problems. 

> Solving this properly will involve some balance of crypto, technology, policy, ethics, law, sociology, psychology, and economics.  

	You listed all the topics you're clueless about =)

	Now, keep trolling sonny. Or better, die.