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Dystopian future arrives - QE∞ - Denmark offers home mortgages at negative interest rates - [MONEY]
- Subject: Dystopian future arrives - QE∞ - Denmark offers home mortgages at negative interest rates - [MONEY]
- From: zen at freedbms.net (Zenaan Harkness)
- Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 22:50:40 +1000
Some might wonder why literal negative interest rates where your home
loan reduces at the end of each year, even if you pay nothing all
year, is dystopian.
This email, and the below linked Zerowedgie article, will not answer
that riddle for you, although perhaps it has something to do with
debasement of the value of governmnet monopoly (((fiat fake money)))?
Who knows ...
In the meantime, if you're a Denmark citizen, jump in on a 10 year
fixed rate morgage with an interest rate of negative 0.5% -
Also, as there is no risk of default, there is no mortgage insurance
required, so any amount you would previously have paid on mortgage
insurance, can now be paid on the loan capital, along with any other
payments you might be inclined to pay, and of course no deposit is
required - this is literally 100% financing.
But when there's no need to pay, why pay?
And as a bonus, all the immigrants (((the elites))) have flooded your
nation with, can now afford to buy a home :D
Soap, very interdasting... how best to game this new, degenerate
(((Federal Reserve banking))) game?
Buy every house for sale?
Of course, in very short order one can imagine that every sane Dane
will refinance and not sell, so real estate should dry up almost
It's also an end game of sorts since everyone who at least holds
title to one or more properties, can now pay off all those titles
just by taking out new mortgages ... although interest rates may well
rise again at the end of that 10 year -0.5% rate mortgage, after
which you shall owe almost exactly half your initial amount.
So that's effectively an automatic capital depreciation rate of 50%
every 10 years.
The next trick the bankers can pull is to lower rates even further in
a year, after all the sheeple have refinanced at -0.5%, to say -2%,
and owe much less than 50% of the capital amount at the end of 10
It's all rather wierd.
Smells of a (((banking system))) effectively in collapse.
Perhaps this is one way to unwind the almost unfathomable debt to
equity ratios which require a systemic collapse, in the face of a
populace who will literally just roll out thousands of local mini
digital currencies if we DO see a 1929-style collapse, and so the
incumbent - remember the Fed :) - wishes (naturally enough) to
maintain their incumbency status.
But if collapse is your only option given that the masses are not
really falling into civil war due to infinigger immigration and a now
weekly stream of WHITE NATIONALIST TERRORISM SHOOTUPS (oh, wait, it's
mostly extreme leftist Antifa crazies and the occasional copycats),
but anyway, here's the bum out list for the Fed's "reset in the face
of Chaos by pretending to be the nights in white shining armour when
the chaos really hits the fan and the multitudes are screaming for
- China did not bite into a hissy fit of US Gov debt note selling,
so China cannot be blames for the reset
- Russia stabilised Syria, Iran and Turkey, and to some extent
Egypt, and failed to smash the CIA's "most public coup in history"
in the Ukraine, and so World War 3 is close to no longer on the
table and therefore "nations fighting to hell" cannot be blamed
for the reset
- the Huwaite Nazi Supremacist Terrorists in the USA have so far
demonstrated an utter inability to effectively unite and stand for
or even trigger a civil war in North America, so THEY can't be
blamed for the coming reset
- Trump is too boldly all but (well, actually doing so), blaming the
Fed outright for every step the fed takes ("too little", "not
enough", "the Fed is crippling our economy", "Obama had much
looser policy, I should get that too" etc etc), and despite a few
timid shots in response, the Fed is bound to demonstrate a
conservativeness unable to decend to the depths of "popular
discourse" Trump, and so Trump cannot effectively be blamed for
the looming USD financial reset
So what other tricks have they got to deflect blame from (((the
Fed)))'s predatory usury upon most of the world for the most recent
century gone?
They could let Wall Street/ Main Street crash as happened in 1929,
but this time we're onto the game, and so are the traders and
business operators - everyone knows to blame the Fed for
"artificially tight monetary policy", "insufficient $ stimulus" etc -
so the Fed is going to get blamed this time, and they know it :D
Shit! The Fed is pretty close to all outta options. What now?
The banks don't want to collectively fall over, so what do they do?
When the world is held to crippling financial "debt" of $150,000 per
man, woman and child on this planet, it's farcical - bring on the
reset, no one gives a shit any more :)
But the banks don't want to collapse - there's every bloody chance
they will lose their (illegal, unconstitutional) incumbency of the
right to print cash.
So you start giving the money away.
They have no other option.
Why no other option?
There are some systemic reasons (phenomenally inter-leveraged banks
and nations), but also the simplest of reasons:
- If I don't personally have an economic stake in the economic
system, I have no interest support, or even to use, that system.
Multiply this for every man, woman and child on the planet.
The point is, there's a very real issue of shared common delusions
and tacit consent - if we stop using a system, that system dies. A
mental structure (shared common delusion) of money controlled by a
very few, only lives to the extent that we all partake of/in, that
And now that we can roll out digital currencies for every pub,
possibly for every family even (although that might not be so useful,
whereas a local public bar has enough of a community/ group effect to
actually be useful to that local community), we literally do not care
about any coming/ looming/ threatening financial terrorism brought
about by the Federal Reserve banks - in fact, the sooner this reset
comes, the better, since when the money collapses, we have IMMEDIATE
SANCTION to roll out our own local currencies, EXACTLY as happened
towards the end of the great depression - usually centered around/
run by, the local pubs across North America.
So hey, how awesome could this reset be?
Danged, bloody awesome mate! Absolute ripper!
And so now we see negative mortgage rates, actually being rolled out.
Well firetruck me sideways till Sunday! Did NOT see that one coming.
Suddenly there's a real possibility that 10s of thousands of Denmark
(and soon other country's) sheeple, may well just go and lock
themselves with a stake, into the incumbent Federal Reserve banking
system, thereby providing somewhat of a breather to said (((Federal
Reserve de Rothschild))) banking system.
Interesting times, that's for bloody sure :)
Denmark's 3rd Largest Bank Is Now Paying People To Take Out A