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Apple Card will not allow purchase of cryptocurrencies

On Sun, Aug 04, 2019 at 02:11:26AM +0000, John Newman wrote:
> On August 3, 2019 4:18:59 PM UTC, jim bell <jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >Apple Card will not allow purchase of cryptocurrencies
> >https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-card-not-allowp 

Walled gardens such as Crapple and FaceSlut shall always be walled,
censored, backdoored, monitored, rights-destroying freedom graveyards.

Nothing new there...

> Surprise, surprise heh ;)
> The shitty thing, for me, is macOS is actually a pretty
> decent UNIX laptop & workstation OS. It sure as fuck is not
> all FOSS, but large portions of it are.

Which is absolutely insufficient and rights destroying.

But you know that.

> I don't know why they 
> invented APFS instead of using ZFS,

Ignorance is bliss as they say.

Here's an eye opener for ya: ZFS is a filesystem and as such is not
designed with walled garden freedom destroying primitives in its API.

That might sound surprising, but Apple is a profit pursuing
corporation - they are no Red Hat, that's for sure.

> and I don't like the
> tight iCloud integration (which is at least optional), 
> and lots of other technical quibbles, but basically it's been
> a good desktop UNIX over the years.

Perhaps you mean "apple's tight integration/control over hardware and
drivers means I've had a relatively seamless, pain free desktop
experience for a number of years using Crapple"?

> (I don't like iPhones 
> at all, have always preferred Android device with a custom
> ROM - or a cheap burner phone).

Your preferences are irrelevant.

What's relevant is where freedom can be found.

FLOSS and FLOSS alone, followed on its heels by OpenHW and free/open
(or at least auditable) fabs, are our necessary foundations.

> However, I'm finally switching to Linux for the laptop
> (main desktop switched back to Linux a while ago, and
> have used FreeBSD on personal servers for many years).
> Most of my time is spent inside of a shell in tmux
> anyway!

Give yourself a +1 sticker.

And the day you get staunch and eliminate all proprietary from your
life, you may give yourself a +10 sticker.