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"Stay Out Of Jail As Much As Possible": John McAfee's 4 rules for life -- Re: Global Elections 2020: John McAfee - Open Call For Do'ers

McAfee 2020 indeed :)

  "Stay Out Of Jail As Much As Possible": John McAfee Presents His 4
  Rules For Life

  â?¦ Young men always asking my advice. Here it is:
    - Wait until you are 40 to consider marriage
    - Never give a woman your real name
    - Stay out of jail as much as possible
    - follow your heart
    â?? John McAfee (@officialmcafee) August 1, 2019

(His advice for women followed soon after due to vocal complaints
 from the fairer sex as well as a few "indignant" men - LOL, guess
 they were just trolling the girls :D )

On topic - "stay out of jail as much as possible", is apt, as when a
man stands for his fundamental rights in the face of a recalcitrant
and murderous empire "state"'s opposition, jail is a likely
consequence when done with little to no support from other men (and
women) - and even when you do have some support but not a troop of
"do or die" muffaluggerahs also willing to do jail time for their,
and our, meaning your, fundamental human rights.

For those who doubt - try exercising your natural right to travel by
the means of your choice amongst your "modern, Western" community,
without a state-issued sanction certificate (driver license), and do
so despite getting pulled over a few times whilst driving safely, not
being under the influence of any drug or alcohol and simply getting
on with your life.

In the almost entirety of cases I have heard of, including much
personal experience, the result is always jail, and after a few
"interceptions" from the "highway patrol", quite some months of jail.

If you doubt that, but are "just too busy with taking the kids to
footy each weekend", try exercising your fundamental right to speak
publicly by way of publication of "official state secrets" - we all
know how this continues for Julian Assange.

And if that's not your thing, try maintaining absolute sovereignty
over all objects that the state wishes to insert into any orifice of
your body and "Just say no" - you know, when the friendly "boys in
blue" insist on inserting plastic breath collectors into your frontal
primary orifice (mouth), or a plastic drug test swab, and see if the
state doesn't shortly thereafter get a hypodermic needle passing
through your skin to steal some blood because you refused to
"voluntarily comply".

And if all of the above is not your cup of tea, yet you STILL
consider yourself a libertarian freedom and rights advocate, just try
publicly growning a random selection of healthy, healing, merciful
and or consciousness expanding plants which "your" state has
sanctioned jail time for should you try to exercise such a fundamental

And should you decry doing a damn thing?

Then you sir or ma'am, are no freedom advocate worthy of the title!

Fundamental human rights are lived. If you can't walk the talk, you
are nothing but an oppressed slave, subservient to the police state,
phramaceutical corporate thugs, and military industrial banking

If you have not done so yet, perhaps signing that Julian Assange
petition might be a good start to lifting a little finger?

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 10:04:19PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> https://loggiaonfire.com/magazine/10_things_anyone_can_do_to_help_mcafee_2020_1545155711.html
> https://www.facebook.com/mcafeelp
> https://www.lp.org/membership/
> 10 Things Anyone Can Do To Help McAfee 2020
> Rob Loggia Dec 18, 2018
> It is better to be a flamboyant failure than any kind of benign success.
> Malcom McLaren
> As we prepare to enter 2019, Team McAfee 2020 has been working behind
> the scenes to launch a campaign for President of the United States
> such as the nation has never seen before. Public enthusiasm for this
> campaign is already very much in evidence, with offers to help rolling
> in every day. We are working to get the infrastructure in place to
> handle the efficient and successful leveraging of this mass of
> humanity, but there is no need to wait to get to work.
> One of the obstacles facing any effort involving volunteer labor is
> contending with Talkers while trying to retain enough mental and
> physical energy to empower Doers. Campaigns need Doers to function.
> Unfortunately, for every Doer that steps up, at least 10 Talkers also
> show, eager to waste vast reserves of time and resources proving to
> others how brilliant they are. They may be well intentioned, they may
> be sincere supporters, but this only makes them all the more difficult
> to handle with dispatch.
> This list is for the Doers. The power we are seeking to unleash with
> the 2020 campaign is not the power of John McAfee. It is the power of
> the individual â?? the power in each of us â?? this is the only fire that
> can become large enough to consume the blight on our land. This
> campaign is about YOU, and claiming ownership over your person and
> your destiny. Waiting for permission to get involved wellâ?¦ frankly
> that wonâ??t do.
> The 10 suggestions listed below are just that â?? suggestions. Our
> candidate has made clear that what he is after with this campaign is
> the greatest possible amount of national attention. If you have an
> idea on how to move the ball, donâ??t wait for permission. Do it! Do it
> now.
> Here are 10 specific things, however, that would be a tremendous help
> immediately and throughout. Some are so obvious that the importance
> can be overlooked, and the little things you could be doing to help us
> are left undone. If you are serious about changing the face of this
> nation, of restoring the dignity and sovereignty of the individual,
> and helping John McAfee seize the national attention â?? start here.
> Print this list and go out and do.
> Weâ??ll soon have a website up for the campaign, along with a volunteer
> form. We have an enormous tent, and we encourage everyone to sign up
> and join the campaign team. But even then, our success will depend
> greatly on the individuals that take what has been said here
> seriously. The decentralized column of our campaign has the greatest
> potential energy in store, and we wish to fully realize that energy.
> So without further adieu, here are 10 things that would really help us out.
> Make a realistic forecast and budget
> One of the obstacles we saw during the 2016 campaign was people
> showing up wanting to help, but in the end proving ineffective due to
> other commitments or lack of personal funding. We all have to work,
> have families, obligations, etc. We also know what our lives cost to
> live, and how much we bring in. An important first step to
> successfully helping the campaign, as opposed to just volunteering, is
> to take the time to do a realistic assessment of both.
> With this assessment in hand, you can begin to budget an appropriate
> amount of time and resources towards volunteering. Some people will
> have more time then others, and that is just fine. If you only have 5
> minutes a week to spare, you can still do valuable work for the
> campaign. And if youâ??re realistic about only being able to spare that
> much, the odds increase that you will use that time wisely.
> Unfulfilled promises donâ??t help the campaign, or the individual making
> them. Be realistic about what you can do, and then budget your time
> and resources to make good on your offer.
> Join our online community (Discord)
> One of our volunteers has set up a discord server for the campaign to
> use. In addition to announcements and campaign information, this will
> be the place to meet like-minded people to collaborate with. If you
> donâ??t use Discord yet, it is easy enough to learn, install and use for
> even basic internet users.
> Join our community by using this link: https://discord.gg/NjxvBWB
> Contact media outlets and personalities
> Our campaign depends on attention, and the media is still the best
> source of public attention in American society. Now would be a great
> time to start reaching out to your favorite media outlets, shows and
> personalities and letting them know that youâ??d like to see John McAfee
> on their show.
> The larger outlets may not respond directly to you, but make no
> mistake: they are seeing them. If enough people express this desire,
> it will force them to at least consider the possibility. Campaign
> leadership will be making our own overtures, and every email and phone
> call in support of our position helps that process immensely.
> Start a PAC
> A political action committee (PAC) is an organization that pools
> campaign contributions from members and can donate to a campaign, or
> spend money in support of a campaign but independently of the
> candidate or political party. In other words, there is no limit on
> what a PAC can spend to influence an election in favor of a candidate.
> The only stipulation is that there can be no direct collusion between
> the PAC and the campaign.
> We intend to comply fully with this restriction, but our campaign is
> completely unaffected by it. We embrace decentralized action, and do
> not need to control the actions of others. People that take the time
> to start a PAC in favor of McAfee 2020 will be helping us
> tremendously. We know you will find ways to use that money to bring us
> the attention we need.
> For those that are interested, here are some resources on starting a
> PAC or Super PAC.
> Wikipedia
> Opensecrets.org
> Localvictory.com
> Thoughtco.com
> Medium Article
> FEC Official Website
> Grassroots messaging and recruiting
> The cornerstone of any campaign, or any human endeavor for that
> matter, is people. As Joe Strummer so wisely put it: Without people
> youâ??re nothing.
> The cheapest, easiest way to help McAfee 2020 is simply to talk about
> it. Take it out into the world with you â?? do not leave it for the
> internet alone. Talk to friends, family, the guy at the deli counter â??
> anyone that will give you the time of day and a few minutes more. Let
> them know WHY you support McAfee 2020 and everything we stand for.
> Help them understand why they should too.
> When you find people who will listen, consider, and perhaps even
> decide that they like what they hear, point them in our direction.
> Once the campaign site is live, you can send them there. In the
> meantime, give them this list and put them to work.
> Join the LP and tell them why
> Our intention is to seek the nomination of the Libertarian Party in
> 2020, as was done in 2016. A great way to support the campaign is to
> join the Libertarian Party, at the state and national levels, and tell
> them why you are joining. Include â??Iâ??m here for McAfeeâ?? with your
> registration and payment to make sure leadership there knows why you
> are joining.
> For existing members, take the opportunity to renew your memberships
> and include the same messaging with your renewal.
> If enough people take this critical step, it will send a loud and
> clear message to the party leadership â?? one they sorely need to hear.
> Consider being a Libertarian delegate in 2020
> Even more vital than membership are the voting delegates at the
> nominating convention. The convention will be held in Austin, Texas in
> 2020, and delegates are responsible for their own travel and boarding.
> Delegates are all free agents â?? none are committed at the time of
> convention. They may vote their conscience on that day.
> What our campaign needs, perhaps more than anything else, is
> individuals committed to the idea of seeing John McAfee on the
> national stage in 2020 to go through the process and become a voting
> delegate. We need these individuals to be willing and able to travel
> to the convention for the nominating vote and pull the switch for
> McAfee.
> The Libertarian Party Radical Caucus has published a guide to the
> steps required to become a delegate. As we get closer, the campaign
> will also provide information and resources to faciliate this process.
> But now is the time to begin considering if this is something you can
> do. Our success depends on a critical mass of people taking this
> important step.
> Double down on social media
> Social media platforms are perhaps the single most consulted data
> source for determining audience size and engagement in our modern
> world. Accounts with an active community that shares and reinforces
> source posts demonstrate a committed and powerful community. This is
> the message we wish to send to the entire world.
> Taking the time to follow important campaign accounts, signing up for
> new platforms if necessary, helps grow the audience size. Liking and
> sharing content spreads the word in a wider radius and demonstrates
> support. These are vital interactions that may be inherently trivial,
> but that also have far reaching consequences.
> If you only have 5 minutes a week to spend helping the campaign, this
> is how we would ask you to spend them. Add your momentum to our
> messaging, and amplify our campaign for more of the world to see. You
> will be helping us more than you know.
> Important accounts you can start following right away:
> Official John McAfee Twitter
> Campaign Facebook page
> Twitter, Campaign Manager Rob Loggia
> Twitter, Campaign Media Director Janice McAfee
> Twitter, Youth Coordinator Zoe Nawar
> Start a campaigning jar
> If you started today and put $1 in a jar every day, you would have
> roughly $500 saved by the time the Libertarian Party holds the
> nominating convention in June 2020. If you canâ??t manage $1, put in
> what you can manage, but do it consistently. You still will have saved
> some effective mass of money.
> $500 may not seem like a lot, but if you are considering becoming a
> delegate this could be your travel money. You could donate it to a PAC
> supporting the campaign, or to the campaign itself should we decide to
> accept campaign donations this time.
> Or you could get creative, and figure out how to best spend that money
> to help our goal. Maybe have bumper stickers, lawn signs or shirts
> made, and hand them out. Perhaps there will be opportunities to pool
> your saved resources with other individuals, enough to fund some
> spectacle or attention-getting stunt that can bring the campaign
> attention. Or maybe it will just allow you to travel to a campaign
> event.
> Either way, it is better to have some money in your pocket when
> setting out to accomplish something. This is an easy way to ensure
> that you do. We canâ??t tell you how to use this money. We canâ??t even
> tell you TO use it. This is just a friendly suggestion.
> If you do decide to start a campaigning jar, download this nifty lable
> and print it to paste on the jar. Put it somewhere you will see it
> every day, like next to the toilet. Now you will never forget.
> Learn about cryptocurrency
> A major focus of the 2020 campaign will be on cryptocurrency. We
> believe that cryptocurrency offers a unique historical opportunity to
> the individual â?? a chance to liberate oneâ??s self, without violence,
> and to become more free. Money drives everything in this world, and
> represents the strongest of the chains bound upon us by out-of-control
> government. We aim to break that chain for as many people as possible
> by helping them become familiar and comfortable with a technology that
> can empower them to do it.
> But misinformation abounds, and the people in control of money in the
> present day are predictably employing a full court press of Fear,
> Uncertainty and Doubt to discourage people from adopting this
> technology. Therefore, if you are out stumping for McAfee 2020, it
> helps if you are as informed as possible about these issues, and eager
> to discuss them with others. This will help us set the narrative,
> rather than the people that set it now.
> Rob Loggia is the founder of LoggiaOnFire, and has been published in
> the International Business Times UK, Digital Trends and on numerous
> online blogs and platforms. He currently serves as the Chief Operating
> Officer of Team McAfee. In 2015 he launched Vacant Minds Media as a
> platform for content that other publishers won't touch. He also was a
> member of the Core Team for John McAfee's 2016 bid for the office of
> President, and is working to help plan McAfee 2020, with a primary
> goal of bringing cryptocurrency to the forefront of national
> attention.