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Paging Jim Bell

On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 02:44:23AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> While ZKP privacy coins like say Zcash are perhaps likely
> leading cryptocurrency space regarding strong cryptographic
> private anonymous coin functions.
> Essentially all coins don't do much in area of secure network
> comms, both their own network packets / protocols, and the
> nets they run over.

DCs should not be providing their own anonymising network layers -
that ought really be a separate layer, and separate dev project, as
such separation encourages sane cross-project cooperation.

> Few advertise / support compatibility with anonymous overlay
> networks, use TLS, etc. Some like Zencash-ZEN, and onion
> oriented ones, do have some features there.

Main thing at the moment is that TOR is very popular, and this CIA
and NSA funded team staunchly 'fails' to be funded for:

 - UDP based transport

 - chaff fill module/ option

> And global adoption isn't there yet to spend payouts
> into without exchanges, which are also weak.
> And all of today's major in production anonymity networks aren't
> really accepted as doing well against global / state level top secret
> passive / active adversaries.

For someone with inspiration and Java programming knowledge, Azureus
Vuze is quite a solid (and amazingly featureful) base of code from
which to begin some work. A quick jewgle brings up only clients,
proxies and a Tor process controller, all of which rely on the
existing core Tor code, so a reimplementation for that language if
that's your style.

Otherwise go hardcore and delve straight into C, or reimplement in
some other language.

Either way, "it's just a little network protocol".

> For influencing that dog / owner across the street that barks
> all day... yeah maybe Bitcoin-BTC over some toynet.
> But stronger coins and nets still have yet to be proven out
> and developed before taking on big game.


> Yet there will always be those randoms who come not to collect
> money, but fame... or quietly, collecting the predictions themselves...
> as bloody QR skins hung on a line in some shack deep in the jungle...