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Govt economic advisor warns British defence planners that growth is ending... and it's not just the U.K.

On Jul 6, 2018 at 11:51 PM, jim bell <jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:

"Page not found"  was the only result I got.  Tried twice.

                          Jim Bell

On Friday, July 6, 2018, 11:17:13 AM PDT, Steven Schear <
schear.steve at gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, lots of battery R&D underway.


On Fri, Jul 6, 2018, 10:59 AM jim bell < jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:

Sorry I posted "up", but my stupid Yahoo email editor would not add a line
(or lines) below your comments, at least not without "exploding" your cite
to include the picture, etc.  Couldn't figure out how to fix that, except
by commenting "up".

In the last week or so, I saw a news item about a new form of carbon, which
seems to allow a doubling of energy density in Lithium ion batteries, yet
being much safer.
  Anybody who uses cell phones, or electric cars, should rejoice.

Myself, I've been following for a few years "magnesium ion batteries",
google 'magnesium ion battery',


 first result:

                            Jim Bell

On Friday, July 6, 2018, 10:48:06 AM PDT, Steven Schear <
schear.steve at gmail.com> wrote:

As automation displaces the great majority of workers, labor (not
industrial) productivity will zoom past zero.

As for energy, battery, and other temporary energy storage, will surely
improve though increases in density could become a major saftey factor as
they equal or exceed liquid fuel (perhaps even high explosives). Preventing
such batteries and ultra-ultra-capacitors from sudden discharge is still a
relatively unsolved issue.

, Jul 6, 2018, 10:20 AM jim bell < jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:

This article sure sounds foolish.  As I see it, the main driver in the
increase in "growth"  (other than population) is productivity.
Productivity tends to be driven by gradual adoptions of automation, which
has been a major factor for 50+ years, and actually far larger.  Automation
isn't going away, and will only increase in effectiveness for decades

Energy is a factor, but society is well on its way to the widespread
adoption of solar and wind energy.  Solar is useful in most locations, and
wind will eventually be useable just about everywhere, 24 hours per day,
with the use of low-resistance materials to conduct that energy, for
example metallic carbon nanotubes.  (MCNTs).

            Jim Bell

On Friday, July 6, 2018, 9:15:13 AM PDT, Steven Schear <
schear.steve at gmail.com> wrote:

" If we extrapolate this trend forward, labour productivity growth would
reach zero by 2028."

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