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[tor-talk] [Fwd: Multiple Internets]

ooooo interesting WW - thanks much

F2C2012: Eben Moglen keynote - "Innovation under Austerity"


some fucking arrogant shit but some info as well

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 7:36 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:

> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Ted Smith <[email protected]>
> Apparently from: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [Fwd: Multiple Internets]
> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 12:02:57 -0500
> >I'm a little skeptical of wireless mesh networks as a general solution
> to this sort of problem, because they're inherently chatty, and have
> very limited reach.
> Wireless meshes are usually short range but there is no architectural
> reason they can't be linked by LoS or even longer distances connections.
> One area familiar to hams in the VHF/UHF bands is troposcatter. Tropo is
> similar to the more common HF phenomenon ionospheric reflection ("skip")
> but instead uses refraction changes in lower layers of the atmosphere due
> to temperature/density differences.
> Tropo is shorter range (generally 100-500 km) than skip and less RF
> efficient but tends to be more reliable and because it operates using much
> higher frequencies can support much higher bandwidth (data rates). All the
> VHF/UHF ham bands and several unlicensed bands (900 MHz, U.S. only), 2.4
> GHz and 5.7 GHz can all support tropo though reflection efficiency tends to
> be greatest at the lower frequencies.
> Until the advent of satellites tropo use was widespread by commercial and
> military. Now that anti-satellite tech is becoming more widespread (e.g.,
> recent Chinese launches) tropo is again being investigated
> http://www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/2013/07/army-troposcatter-communications.html
> I'm considering tropo experiments in one of the ham or ISM bands. Please PM
> if you might have SDR or RF skills, time and some money to throw toward
> this.
> Speaking of skip, in my PP Hacker Conference slides
> http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=03580328025747098705 I discuss a
> variant, NVIS (Near Vertical Incident Skywave), first developed by the
> Germans during WW II, which allows HF stations operating between 2 - 12 MHz
> to bounce signals off the ionosphere for intermediate rage (25-100 km)
> non-LoS communications.
> WW
> --
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Cari Machet
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