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the ABC

On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:52:59 +0900

>>> Is Fox News illegal? You'd say it's illegal to deceive people. The
>>> sheer quantity of false information on Fox News, and it's
>>> popularity,
>>> are a serious harm to America.
>>> Is it that free markets only perform properly with rational agents?

> > What free markets? Oh wait. You've been studying political
> >         philosophy with the likes of grarpamp, according to whom
> > 'you' 'own' the government?
> >
> And then there's Juan, who's upset about something, but nobody really
> knows what it is, or what's he's trying to do about it.

	You seem to have royally missed the point. so here it goes

>Is Fox News illegal?

	fox news is part of the US government, department of propaganda.
	It's part of the government. It can't be illegal, 'by

> Is it that free markets 

	Again, *what* free markets are you talking about - fucks news
	has nothing to do with 'free markets'.