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How are the Baltimore riots going?/Any way we can help?
>> On Sat, May 02, 2015 at 06:21:16PM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>>> For the Faraday bag, see
>>> <http://www.instructables.com/id/RFID-Secure-Wallet/>. It's easy to
>>> test. Just put the phone in the bag, and call it. If it rings, there are
>> >leaks.
>> I am noob at smartphones, but isn't this very close to
>> functionally equivalent to just physically remove the
>> battery from the phone?
>> At what distance is phone with removed battery detectable?
>> Well, if someone implanted "backup battery" this fails,
>> but the implanted battery must be sufficiently small
>> to not see it.>I don't know enough about smartphones to say. The effectiveness of
>removing the battery may vary among devices. Snowden told people
>visiting him in Hong Kong to put their phones in the refrigerator, which
>is a Faraday cage. Also, using a bag is arguably less hassle than
>removing the battery.
For an RF-shield, I think that using a microwave oven would be much superior to a refrigerator. Â By definition, a microwave oven is designed to contain a huge (1 kilowatt) emission of 2.45 GHz signal (close to those of cell phone frequencies, some are 1700-1900 MHz), so that humans can live with reasonable safety a foot or so away from it. Â This implies a shielding of around 60 decibels.I'd keep a container of water inside the microwave cavity to absorb emitted microwave-band signals. Â (And, of course, you should detach the power-cord of the microwave, to avoid accidently frying your valuable electronics.)As for smartphones, my understanding is that most of them don't have detachable batteries. Â They do, however, have "airplane-mode" function, where (presumably) they are set to not emit any signals in any band. Â That doesn't mean they couldn't hear, or record, audio, or detect RF signals, for recording and later transmission.Â
   Jim Bell  N7IJS       Proudly standing as the LAST "Tech-Plus" Ham (Amateur Radio Operator) in the World.
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