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Privacy advocates resign over facial recognition plans

fuck eff
On Aug 11, 2015 11:16 PM, "Cathal Garvey" <[email protected]>

> Forcing those in power *not* to look back at us, and granting ourselves
> greater ability to visualise power's actions, are not mutually exclusive
> goals. We should be doing both, including methods to hide ourselves and to
> better monitor and hold accountable those in power.
> Of course, those monitoring are often punished, so necessarily the ability
> to monitor *and* hide go hand in hand.
> In other words I reckon the approach of fighting mass surveillance
> (including acknowledging that corporations are NOT people and their
> surveillance is qualitatively different from my private CCTV system) and
> pushing for greater transparency, in tandem with mass-crypto and ubiquitous
> sousveillance, is exactly the right thing to do..and it's more or less what
> I think we're doing already globally with the cypherpunk, pirate party, and
> eff-ist movements.
> On 11/08/15 20:49, Sean Lynch wrote:
>> So what do people think of David Brin's "transparent society" approach
>> to this problem? We can't completely stop ourselves from being watched,
>> but we can make use of all this technology ourselves. Police have ALPRs
>> and dashcams and bodycams, but by and large they have actually resisted
>> expansions of their own surveillance because they want the flexibility
>> to be able to make up justifications after the fact. Phone cams have for
>> the most part taken that choice away from them. The result seems likely
>> to be less police abuse than at any point since at least the early 20th
>> century in the US.
>> Even Snowden's leaks were enabled by very similar technologies to what
>> the NSA deploys against us.
>> Is there any reason to believe that, overall, technology will benefit
>> governments more than it does individuals?
> --
> Scientific Director, IndieBio EU Programme
>  Now running in Cork, Ireland May->July
>  Learn more at indie.bio and follow along!
> Twitter:  @onetruecathal
> Phone: +353876363185
> miniLock: JjmYYngs7akLZUjkvFkuYdsZ3PyPHSZRBKNm6qTYKZfAM
> peerio.com: cathalgarvey
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