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Raspberry pi safe?

On 4/15/15, The Doctor <[email protected]> wrote:
> ...
> I've gotten some success with a USB enabled Geiger counter
> (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11345).  A little Python was used
> to open the USB serial device and measure the amount of time that
> passed in between characters being emitted, hash them, and cat the
> hashes into /dev/random to give the kernel pool a little more to work
> with.  The unit's pretty large (larger than the RasPi) and needs a
> housing of some kind to really protect it.  I wouldn't use it for an
> HSM but for experimenting at home it works decently well.

the Pi has built-in camera capability; see the other threads about
LEDs into a CCD for stochastic measurement at high rates.

as amusing as ionizing radiation may be for entropy generation, there
are much more practical routes :P

> Now I just
> need to get around to learning SciPy to profile the output of
> /dev/urandom for biases...

DIHARDER over gigs will give you a great gist. is there a specific
type of (transient) bias you're after?