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Greenwald, Scahill step down from The Intercept

On 04/06/2015 10:29 PM, Juan wrote:
> Well, everything should have been put in the public domain
> 	from day zero. But Snowden thought that would hurt
> 	the interests of the american nazi state. Or maybe he didn't
> 	want to be killed like a dog. Who knows.

I know. As many people who've attempted to change the Crypto-Fascist
shithole called "America" have noted, the powers that be ARE TOO STRONG
to take on... head on.

Snowden has set in motion The 'death of a thousand (intelligence) cuts'
to weaken the surveillance state enough that the issue can be approached
at all in some way that MAY change it.

As far as whether Greenwald and co or Snowden's a capitalist, or a
libertard, a demoncrat or rethuglican (the ONLY diff is who receives the
booty from our imperial adventurism where brown people die) ...is
absolutely irrelevant to the end result.

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