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Greenwald, Scahill step down from The Intercept

On 04/06/2015 10:13 PM, Cari Machet wrote:
> Westerners like shit that makes money
> glenn greenwald backed the invasion of iraq because >>>>>> vengeance

You are so full of shit!


> which means he aint that fucking bright

If he had, he wouldn't be, but he didn't. I think that he is.

> glenn greenwald was a corporate lawyer

"I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am
now a journalist."


Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

> anyway liberals are not that bright too

I agree :)

> ALL snowden docs should go to EFF - should have gone there in the beginning
> for analysis snowden gave those docs to people unqualified to deal with
> them and they still are not qualified their capacity is far too low for
> them to ever be qualified the mere fact that they drip so slowly says so
> much

I'm also disappointed with their handling of the docs. But it was
Snowden's call, so hey.

> no-no laura greenwald and scahill arent making any money..> 
. i think we
> should start a collection up for them i am afraid they arent eating actual
> food


> On Apr 7, 2015 8:10 AM, "Juan" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 06 Apr 2015 20:43:48 -0400
>> John Young <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> my problem with laura as with jeremy is that they are too
>>>> capitalistic and therein breech ethics
>>> That's the crucial fault of the Snowden campaign, its corrupt core,
>>> ambition and greed triumphant. Snowden is paying the high price
>>> for others' profit. A nadir in contemporary journalism seemingly
>>> without bottom.
>>         I watched the snowden/poitras documentary a few days ago and it
>>         wasn't that bad.
>>         What I find somewhat puzzling is the fact that greenwald would
>>         cooperate with 'capitalists' like the ebay owner? Wasn't
>>         greenwald some kind of 'liberal'?
>>         Also, is the snowden affair really being handled in a way to
>>         maximize profits? For whom?
>>         It's not as if the snowden affair is some kind of hollywood
>>         nazi fairy tale. I don't think western imperialists like to be
>>         reminded what kind of garbage they are.
>>> Meanwhile obsessive handwringing about petty story fabrication,
>>> as if to avoid the principal fabrication of 2013-2015, instead
>>> praising, awarding, investing, promoting, recycling, gaming,
>>> streaming, TEDing, Oscaring, glorifying, comedifying it.