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Ukraine passed the bill about sanctions in first reading, it give power to close media, websites, and more
Seems like it finally passed, but without that bad things
But seems like The National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of
Ukraine asking now for blocking Russian-language Euronews (but not
Ukrainian), says it's "propagandist"
Anton Nesterov wrote:
> It includes many types of sanctions, but most interesting is that ones:
> 9) the prohibition or restriction of the retransmission of television
> and radio channels;
> 10) the prohibition to use radio frequency resource of Ukraine;
> 11) the restriction or termination of the media or other information
> activities, including those in the Internet;
> 12) the restriction or prohibition of production or distribution of
> printed materials and other information materials;
> 24) the prohibition of political parties, movements and other civil
> society associations and foundations;
> So if that bill will be passed, National Security and Defense Council
> can ban any foreign media, website, foundation, movement, printed
> material, etc. without court.
> http://osvita.mediasapiens.ua/material/33612 news report (in Ukrainian)
> http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=51915 text (in
> Ukrainian)