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[Cryptography] GCC bug 30475 (was Re: bounded pointers in C)

The criminal liability of NSA, other spies corps, orgs and comsec
wizards in de facto complicit deception and exploitation of the
public is a worthy topic to drag out of the hideaways.

It might be demonizing of the valiant code warriors to be described
as a Racketeer Influenced Criminal Organization operating under
the cheerfully duplicitous Open Source.

Open secrecy is the main tool of these sub rosa hoodlums,
Mafioso mathematicians wiggling out of responsibility by algo
shadiness and protestations of public service on behalf of
working around censorship to free the slaves for better use
producing cream for the privacy milkers.

Top of the cream milkers adopt the aggrieved innocence
when caught red-handed rustling public cattle, hello Mr. Bundy.
So sue me, they laugh, knowing no jury could possibly grasp
the arcane lingo the bozos use to semaphor signals about their
nefaria promoted as good for the commonweal.  Subsidize
us, befuddled citz, kachink.

A huge market ripoff, comsec, privacy and freedom of the
Internet. Simple beginnings with a few crafty ne'er do well
engineers, mathematicians and scientists, avoiding penal
labor in labs, factories and spynests, setting up a quiet
racket to control and monetize crypto, comsec and privacy
while selling hacks and snitching to the fuzz downtown.

Which has produced a boom in profits and reputations
for the TLA- and nick-named coders, hackers, exploiters,
leakers, promoters, apologists, yes, even populist heros
and awards winners from Anonymous to Alexander to
Snowden and this very list of who's who in wily coyotes.

Code-wielding Corsicans never had it so good since
the opening of the Internet frontier to unfettered gangsters
claiming to be comsec enforcers for Judge Roy Bean west
of Silicon Valley).

Just saying howdy to my gang of cypherpunks free rangers
for whom working around law-enforcement fences while
informing, backdooring, and cheating on each other is
top secret code of silence Omerta.