Re: ULF lens wanted

From: Joe Smigiel ^lt;[email protected]>
Date: 02/14/05-07:49:04 AM Z
Message-id: <>

 He's looking for Gertz Dagor (or one or the
> other if they hadn't joined yet)..

        600mm is 24". Why does he need that tight an age range?


It sounds like the individual is seeking a prewar Goerz Dagor probably
made in Germany and not by the American Goerz company. The Dagors also
have different circles of illumination and coverage depending on when
they were made and on the maximum aperture if I understand the history

A 19" f/7.7 Dagor in barrel with "a few dings" just went for $1,625.00
on eBay:

The longer Dagors are pretty rare, have a great reputation, and are
highly sought after lenses amongst the ULF crowd. They come up on eBay
once in awhile. I would contact a dealer like Midwest Camera Exchange
or Lens and Repro if I was seriously considering tracking one down and
could afford it. I do however accept gifts. (In contrast to the Dagor,
I have purchased longer 21" Wollensak process lenses in barrel for $50.)

Received on Mon Feb 14 07:46:42 2005

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